Group Therapy

Group Therapy

Group therapy differs from individual therapy by holding therapeutic sessions in a group setting run by a therapist instead of in a private one-on-one setting with a therapist. The  group sessions allow you will share your thoughts and experiences with the whole group, while being supported by a group of people who understand what you’re going through.

Group therapy helps you find a sense of community with others who are going through similar things as you, while giving you access to valuable therapy that can truly help you feel better.

So if any of these sound like you…

  • You keep worrying about the same problem over and over
  • You wish you could trust someone with your secret struggle
  • You want to stop feeling so alone in what you’re going through
  • You’re interested in therapy, but want to try something lower pressure than individual therapy
  • You wish you felt more understood by others
  • You’re looking for expert help improving your life

…Then group therapy could be right for you.

Effectiveness of Group Therapy

  • Ability to help you find connections with other people and their experiences
  • Helps you learn more about yourself, in hope that you improve the way you feel
  • Feel support from others who understand your experience

If you’re looking for help improving your everyday life – or for a more community-oriented therapy experience – you would be a great fit for our group therapy services. Please reach out to me today for an assessment for group therapy or to schedule your first appointment.

Future Groups

Married to a Man on the Autism Spectrum. Living in a marriage with a husband diagnosed with Asperger’s (NT-Aspie marriage), high functioning autism or broader autism phenotype can be challenging. Together with other neurotypical (NT) wives, you will receive support and education for managing your unique circumstance. In addition, you will learn about Acceptance and Committment Therapy. The group is currently being developed.

Co-Parenting Children of Divorce.  A 10-session group for single parents, step-parents and grandparents who are co-parenting kids being raised between two homes. The group sessions include a video, a workbook and many life-giving solutions to complex parenting! Topics include: working well with the ex, how to handle the hand-off, what is at risk for kids after divorce, what if my ex is difficult, how to be a great step parent in a difficult situation and much more!

Please reach out to me today for specific information on these groups.

Contact Today

1177 Quail Court, Suite 101
Pewaukee, WI 53072
(262) 696-9809

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