Marriage Prep

Marriage Prep

An area of passion for me is helping dating and engaged couples. For years I have presented Marriage Prep classes, conducted one-on-one coaching sessions, as well as premarital counseling.

Couples invest many resources in the planning, budgeting, shopping and project managing of their wedding. Yet the investment on planning for their marriage is significantly less, and often non-existent. There is great value to investing and being intentional about your marriage, just like your wedding. (You could even add Marriage Prep to your wedding registry)!

In marketing, understanding the target audience is foundational to all elements of a marketing plan. In a marriage, your spouse is your “target market”. Having a full understanding of him or her is foundational to all elements of your relationship. Do you know your partner’s dreams, values, needs, motivations, emotional triggers, love language, or arguing style? (Just to name a few aspects of relationship). The better you understand your “target market”, the better you will understand how to meld into a healthy marriage.

The Program

I use the program Prepare/Enrich when working with dating and engaged couples. For decades, this evidence based program has been used by millions of couples around the world. It’s effectiveness lies in the use of a couple assessment, a dialogue of the results between a facilitator and couple and skills training. The process might sound simple but this program can benefit your future marriage in numerous ways!

Please note: this is not “pre-marital counseling”. However, couples can begin pre-marital counseling after the assessment review, if it seems beneficial and desired by the couple. The results from Prepare/Enrich may potentially give insight to areas the couple (or an individual) may want to explore deeper.  This is also beneficial for couples where one or both are entering a second marriage.

What you can expect from the program?

  1. During an introductory phone call, I will explain the program in detail. At that time, I will acquire necessary information to register you for the on-line Prepare/Enrich assessment, as well as schedule times for discussion of the assessment results.
  2. Partners complete the on-line assessment separately. It typically takes about 45 minutes to complete (it can be saved and resumed later if needed) and is customized to your specific relationship stages. This is not a “test”. There are no “right or wrong” answers.
  3. Once the assessment is completed, I receive the results immediately and I am the only one with access to the information. The assessment will help you understand your personalities, family dynamics, areas in your relationship that are strong, where there is room for growth (such as communication, spending time together, etc.) and how you each view finances to name a few.
  4. I will conduct 3 sessions, at a minimum, with the couple reviewing and processing the results. I may recommend you each purchase a $6 workbook to complete homework assignments.

Please visit the Rates and Insurance page for the premarriage investment.

Contact Today

1177 Quail Court, Suite 101
Pewaukee, WI 53072
(262) 696-9809

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